The Supervisory Committee acts together with OLAF (i.e. European Anti-Fraud Office) and the Cabinet of the Vice-President of the European Commission to ensure the independence, reliability and efficiency of the European Anti-Fraud Office.
The Supervisory Committee implements its tasks in a structured manner combining its regulatory obligations and self-adopted tasks.
- Meetings
- The Supervisory Committee of OLAF holds at least 10 meetings a year.
- Participation at seminars, conferences
- The Members of the Supervisory Committee take part in different events organised by OLAF and by OLAF’s stakeholders. Similarly, the Supervisory Committee maintains close links with the national authorities implementing equivalent functions in terms of respect of fundamental rights and protection of procedural guarantees during investigations.
- Exchange of views: The Supervisory Committee of OLAF takes part in the Interinstitutional exchange of views between the European Council, the European Commission and the European Parliament on OLAF general policies and activities. The Supervisory Committee is a privileged partner of the Institutions, as it is the only body performing an oversight role over the Director General of OLAF and over the investigative procedures of OLAF.
- Meetings of the EP
- The Supervisory Committee, is a privileged stakeholder of the EU Institutions responsible for the democratic control over OLAF (notably, the European Parliament and the Council) takes part in preparatory work, informative meetings for the honourable Members of the European Parliament as well as contributing by any other means in the discharge of OLAF's functions. The Supervisory Committee contributes to the discharge of the duties of the OLAF Director General.
- The Supervisory Committee delivers opinions and advice to the legislator concerning any policy development and legislative initiatives which might affect the duties of overview and monitoring of OLAF and of the OLAF Director General.
- Meetings of the Council
- The Supervisory Committee delivers opinions and advice to the legislator concerning any policy development and legislative initiatives which might affect the duties of overview and monitoring of OLAF and of the OLAF Director General.
- The Supervisory Committee informs the Council, via its reports and participation to the Exchange of Views, of loopholes and weaknesses which shall be tackled via the legislative process.
- Hearings
- The Supervisory Committee takes part in special hearings concerning its duties, notably, the discharge of the OLAF Director General for the implementation of his or her duties.
The Supervisory Committee acts together with OLAF and the Cabinet of the Vice-President of the European Commission to ensure the independence, reliability and efficiency of the European Anti-Fraud Office.